Spring/Summer Photography 2014

It’s that time of the year again, when your bulbs are re growing and your buds are blooming with so much colour all around it’s a shocker I haven’t been snapping pictures like crazy like I did last year. This year the daffodils have already come and gone *sigh* I’ve just been so sick and I’m recovering painfully slow, which has caused me to become overly lazy and miss out on so much excitement in my garden.

This year we haven’t been all that much into gardening, we’ll be going away to Italy and Bangladesh soon, so I thought I’d write this up before we disappear =)

I recently went to one of my uncles houses and was amazed to see so many different plants and shrubs and amazing greenery’s, I just couldn’t help myself, and snapped up a few pics hehe

I must admit though, I took these pics on my phone, but I think it turned out pretty good =D

Close up

Close up – Just look at the amazing intricate details

2014-04-03 17.10.40

Super awesome yellowness, my friend Sheila would be proud of me for putting this one up 😉

2014-04-03 17.06.29

I love the red ones, the colour of poppies but I’m pretty sure they’re not poppies, hmm

2014-04-03 17.08.39

Yellow overload =D Eeek I love these!!!

2014-04-03 17.07.05

2014-04-03 17.06.44

such a spectacular shade of pink, it’s the pink version of the white flowers that grow on cherry trees before the buds come out methinks, what does thou think?

2014-04-03 17.07.43

Just thought I’d stick a green one in there, for no apparent reason of course…

Anyhoo enough of my uncles plants, I’ll show you what’s growing on my trees so far (nothing that amazing really – but we’re not too fussed as we will probably not be around to eat it all)


I think this ones an apple tree, I can’t remember, we’ve moved a few around and brought new ones, it’s difficult to tell them apart at this stage. Well I think most fruit trees look the same, but I might just be the odd dumb one – urm.. sorry about that =/

Oh and excuse the bright orange fences, our fences came down last month with the harsh winds, as did a few of our neighbours, so now were stuck with a few bright orange fences which look hideous *face palm* and apparently no one stocks up on fences in Luton ugh!



I absolutely love these itty bitty cherry tree, we had one that was planted in our old house, it was humongous and it bore many fruits each year. I have great memories with that tree, so much so, that as a child moving out of my first home I asked my dad if we could take the tree with us – but of course, we couldnt just lift a huge tree of the ground *sob* and there you have it, a forever tree friendship ends in misery ='( nothing will ever replace you Miss.Humongous Cherry tree, I shall forever remember you *sheds tears* ok enough drama, i’ll try to move on *sniff*


Ok half these plants haven’t bloomed yet, but since I’ll probably be in Italy or Switzerland I thought I’ll upload them anyway!


I love that the sun was out, this is the first day I went into my garden since FOREVER and I love that my dad let me take the pictures on his phone, because let’s be real, I have the worlds crappiest phone, (note to self – Must invest in a camera!!)




more pretty flowers – near this plant are lots of blackberries yum, but I guess I forgot to take a pic – oops


The back end of my garden, excuse the broken greenhouse – caused by the neighbours kids playing football in our garden – hehe



Hope you enjoyed all my pics, my next picture post should be on fruits if all goes according to plan. However there could be a slight delay what with all the holiday plans and Ramadan round the corner =)

Hope every ones having a happy sunny and joyous day,

TJ 😉


* Spring ♥ Pictures * [Part II]

Afternoon guys, it’s soo hot and sunny outside, absolutely loving the weather. Mums spring cleaning like maaad and I was outside getting a tan taking pictures LOL

I saw the nicest most beautiful-est (is that even a word?) butterfly EVER!


The first thing I noticed today, must have grown overnight =D

The first thing I noticed today, must have grown overnight =D


New one emerging

New one emerging

Cute tiny intricate flowers

Cute tiny intricate flowers

My friend

My friend





Yummy, spot my friend

Yummy, spot my friend


Can you see him?

Can you see him?


Alright guys, that’s all for now =D

All pictures were taken by me (TJ) hope you liked them, thought it was a nice way to end my holidays *sniff*

Power to the Peaceful